Karina Wirth

Karina Wirth is a textile designer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from the Hof University of Applied Sciences – Münchberg Department and a Master of Arts from the Berlin Weissensee School of Art.

She has been working in the Textile Prototyping Lab research project since 2016, where she is working on possible development processes for innovative textiles both in practice and in theory to facilitate promising cooperation between research, industry and design.

Her design work is characterized by a strong interest in interdisciplinary collaborations to open up the boundaries of classical textile applications. This exploratory part is complemented by the constant examination of classical textile technology and textile construction, especially in the field of weaving.

Furthermore, she is committed to the transfer of knowledge in the field of textiles in order to promote an interdisciplinary exchange. To this end, she has already headed the Textillab in the FabLab Berlin from 2015-2018.